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3D Printshopen and Real Mobile have developed this course specifically to help Makers in reach their customers more effectively in order to grow their businesses / projects or expand their hobbies.

What is a Maker??

Maker is a term used to describe professionals and hobbyists who love to create things.  Maker culture includes typical interests such as arts and crafts, electronics, robotics, 3-D printing, sewing, metalworking, woodworking, and more.

Do you make things? Then this awesome Facebook marketing course is for you.

Facebook marketing and advertising for makers


In this course you will learn how to do the following:

checkgreen Defining your customer Persona / Avatar using online research tools.

checkgreen Choose the right FaceBook advertising products that align with your objective.

checkgreen Creating ads that are relevant to your target market to get the click.

checkgreen How to drastically reduce advertising costs through advanced targeting, segmentation and testing.

checkgreen Custom Audience creation.

checkgreen Conversion Tracking and Remarketing.

checkgreen Growing your target audience.

checkgreen Customizing and understanding the detailed reports so you can know without a doubt what is working or not.

checkgreen What to do next.


Who is this for: Makers and all creative people

When is the next course?: Daily online by booking.

Where:  Interactive Online - (Skype , Google Hangouts) - Video, text and screenshare.

Language: Swenglish :-) .You may speak Swedish or English during the course, whichever will help you to fully communicate. The course material is however mostly in English.

Experience level: Preferably someone who is entreprenurial or wants to be more entrepreneurial.

You can even attend the course on your mobile phone but only with headphones connected since we want you to pay full attention and also to not disturb others around you.

There are limited spaces (Only one session available daily) so book now!

What else will I get?


 Which ever content or campaigns we work and create during the session is yours to use immediately. 

checkgreen This: Free Guide! Facebook Advertising Finesse - A Guide on how to reduce ad costs and increase the effectiveness of your personal or business message.

checkgreen Skills that nobody can ever take away from you.


 Skills that can enhance your employability.

checkgreen Insider secrets gained from months of working directly with Facebook ad strategists.

checkgreen A secret list of free and cheap resources that will help you move forward extremely fast.

checkgreen Help to sell more using less money than your competitors.


Traditionally, creative people are not considered "marketing people" in the generic sense of the word. These days, you really have to market yourself in order to sustain your hobby or grow your business. The new tools that are now available to everybody have changed the marketing landscape forever. You can market your business using smart, efficient and cost saving methods so that you don't need to spend too much time away from your craft, which is obviousy what makes you happy right?

Facebook marketing helps you to stop throwing money away on traditional marketing methods. You will be able know exactly what works and be able to reach the exact people you want as customers. Never before has such powerful targeting technology been available to us all. Right NOW it is so learn how to use it and transform your marketing into a successfull, low cost super tool.


Need something more advanced done for you? click here to start the conversation.